Victor's chess house

Here you can see a demo of the program, used on the research, "The use of digital technology for chess learning in schools." (2010) that was a research project by Professor Roberto Trinchero (University of Turin) and Professor Domenico Parisi (National Research Council, Rome). The study was carried out on 76 third-year classes in 50 Italian primary schools, and demonstrated that students can effectively learn the rules of chess online, by means of interactive, web-based software, without the need to employ instructors or teachers in possess of any particular expertise in the game of chess.


From school or from home
The programme, which is in a protected area, helps pupils to learn the basic rules of chess, involving them in a fully interactive course in various stages, made up of lessons, games and final trials in 12 different levels. Students can try out the programme, directly from their own and/or the school's PC. A series of online games enable students to learn chess in stages, either playing against the computer or in real-time with online students from other schools around the world, i.e. who are also connected via the Internet at the same time. By the end of the course students will be ready to play a real chess game, using all the pieces.

To download the information document for schools here.
To download the information document for families here.


For the registration of schools or individual users click here.

The subscription costs only 6.05 euro per year!